Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day Eighteen

Our yard is 3 1/2 acres
I finished mowing the yard since it didn't rain today.  After showering to remove grass and paint from my work day, I can relax and write my blog.

I left home around 8:45 am and picked up Mom and John (no more days off for them).  Glenn meet us at "the house" after he finished up a few things at home.  It was just the four of us since all the boys were working.  Like we weren't.  LOL
Mom working on the windows

John with the floor sander
Floor before sanding
The three of us start to work painting the orange room.  Once Glenn arrives, John decides to work on sanding the floors with the new toy Glenn just rented.  I don't think he likes to pain and I've never meet a man that can pass up using a new tool.  So they work together on the upstairs floors until Glenn decides to go to you guessed it, Home Depot.  He was ready to buy a bathtub and fiberglass walls for the upstairs bathroom.  He also had to get more sandpaper for the floor sander before the rental place closed.  Mom was ready to finish up the three remaining windows down stairs.  She doesn't like to paint either, or maybe I am just too picky.  It's much cooler outside today which makes the window washing go much better.  When she is finished it looks like there isn't any glass at all because they are so spotless.  I don't like to wash windows and she doesn't like to paint so we are both happy doing our jobs.  We decided our house's need some deep cleaning after seeing how nice "the house" is looking. This will have to wait though.  After I finish the second coat of paint we are ready to leave for the day it is 3:45 pm.  Glenn will stick around for a few hours.  I will up date you later on what else he did.
Floor after sanding

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day Seventeen

Cabinets after

Kitchen cabinet before 
clean stove
Dirty stove
Friday the 13th a good day to take a day off.  I need to take a break and Mom and John can use another day to rest up.  Glenn might go and put in a few hours after work.  Last night he finished putting up the drywall in the upstairs bathroom.  He also worked on connecting the drain in the downstairs bathroom.

Here are a few before and after pictures.  I will share more later.

I better go my laundry needs tended to.  

Joshua's room

Day Sixteen

I woke up to rain and couldn't cut the grass so guess where I went?  Back to Bed...... I wish!  No, I headed to "the house".  Lansen had to stop by Home Depot before coming over so I went on ahead.  By the time he got there I had finished painting a second coat on the hallway and was just about finished with the trim.  Andres arrived soon after Lansen, I think they are starting to get anxious to move in.

Not so Orange room
Dry wall in bathroom
Once the painting is finished I leave for home to cut the grass. They got a lot accomplished after I left.  Glenn gave Lansen a to do list written out on a piece of drywall.  It helps Glenn to know that Lansen can do many of the jobs the rest of us can't.  Andres cleans the orange room after the sanding is finished then paints it with a primer.   Lansen puts some insulation and drywall up in the bathroom.  He also takes out a door frame to a linen closet.  We are going to close the space in from the hall access and expand the closet in the small bedroom.   Glenn will probably finish putting up the drywall in the bathroom. 
Hazmat for working with insulation  

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day Fifteen


Sorry to my faithful followers, I am a little late on this post.  It was hard to get moving yesterday and I just couldn't set down and write my post after I got back for the day.  Mamaw, Papaw and myself were the only workers until  Glenn stopped in after work.  Working everyday is starting to take it's toll.  We are all tired and our bodies are not moving to well.  It takes at least two Advil just to climb out of the car.  Mom had a meeting in the afternoon so thankfully we planned to work a short day.   Even a little bit of work helps in the end when there is still so much to do. 

Medicine cabinet
Upstairs hallway
My focus was to paint the upstairs hallway.  Papaw worked on several odd jobs, one of them was to sand the little medicine cabinet in the bathroom.  It 's funny to call it a bathroom right now since the only thing in there is the medicine cabinet.  But we have a vision.  Mamaw cleaned the water heater and sanded the railing on the stairway.  She just kept repeating no cleaning the windows today.  I guess she reached her limit yesterday.  It has been terribly hot and humid.

It was nice to leave early and we decided to take the next day off.  Well, sort of, Mom and John are going to do laundry and house cleaning and I plan on cutting out grass.  

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day Fourteen

Lansen and I decided to take the mini van today so we can pick up the bed frame for Glenn.  He will be sleeping at "the house".   It's only about 20 minutes from his work so staying there will save him driving home late every night after working at "the house".  We stop by and pick up Mamaw and Papaw then eat breakfast at McDonalds.  We needed plenty of energy today since Glenn gave Lansen four pages of jobs we could work on.  Andres stops in around 1:30 to help out.
very clean window

Papaw painting and Mom suprevising
Mamaw finished up the two remaining upstairs windows.  I finish painting the small bedroom window frame and other trim.  I also did some wall repair in the hall so it can be painted tomorrow.

Lansen and Andres
  Papaw finishes painting the baseboards and helps with wall repair downstairs.  Lansen and Andres work to finish wall repair in the orange bedroom.  It should be ready to paint after tomorrow.  Lansen did a great job assigning jobs and explaining any how to instructions.  He was doing the major drywall repair, fixing some of the walls Glenn had cut for the electrical wires. 
Lansen's white rear end       

We did get Glenn's bed set up and tested it for comfort.  It defiantly passed! 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day Thirteen

No more vacation for Glenn, he went back to his real job this morning.  Some vacation my poor husband had.  Actually I think he would rather be working on "the house" today.  Oh, but he will after putting in a full day.

My work crew is Mom and John again today. We got in some morning rush hour traffic so maybe the earlier start isn't such a good idea.  We stop by the Super Wal-Mart and pick up some new bedding and a few grocery's.  Glenn will pick up one of the new full size beds so he can start staying in Fairfax.  We are planning on putting full beds in all the bedrooms but don't own enough full sheets or mattress pads.

I put a second coat of paint in the small bedroom today. Then fill some holes in the wood trim around the window.  Mom decides to clean the windows in Josh's bedroom since she knows how to remove them.  The windows look new when finished so now she plans on doing this to all of them. John uses the shop vac to clean the rest of the sand out of the bathroom.  Who needs a beach to get sand in the bathroom anyway?  He also removes the floor baseboards in the hallway and repairs any holes in the walls.  A fun time was had by all. 

I know these pictures don't have anything to do with my Remodeling Blog but too bad!  I love these little hummingbirds and I didn't take any other pictures today.  So enjoy. :)

Day Twelve

Glenn went to church than headed straight to "the house".  I used the morning to do some chores around home since I went to church last night.  Mom and John were ready to leave around 11:00 so I picked them up and we headed to Fairfax.  The work crew today is just us old timers.  John asked about the overtime pay since it was Sunday.  No problem there, overtime for 0 pay is still 0.  We do provide food and drink though.

Glenn has given John (Papaw) a new title, Master of Destruction.  He is put to work tearing off paneling in the upstairs bathroom.  Glenn removes the toilet and pedestal sink.  When these task were finished they work together removing the floor tiles.  A sand box several inches deep is found under the tiles.  Removing all the sand a bucket at a time took up the rest of the day.  There were about 16 buckets full.  That is a lot of upstairs and downstairs. 

Sandbox in the bathroom
Mom removing the windows
Glenn gave Mom a throne (toilet) to clean.  He took it to the back yard and she was able to use the hose.  It's too bad they can't always be taken out and hosed off because it sure made cleaning it much easier.  The next job Mom took on was cleaning the windows and window seals.  She also found a way to remove all the glass and screens and took them outside to the hose.  If only we had drains in the house and we could just hose off the walls and floors as well.  Boy would that ever save time.  Notice all the wall repair and the very orange walls. 

I use my day to paint the small bedroom.  We all leave exhausted but with a great feeling of accomplishment. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day Eleven

After working all day I rushed home and did a total body makeover in 20 minutes.  It's funny how the same process that normally takes me 45 minutes can be done in 20.  The reason for the rush was I wanted to go to church Saturday night so just in case I was able to sleep in I could.  As usual I was awake by 7 am this morning.  Sad Face!

We had a full work crew with Danielle's sister Christa joining us today.  I had to drive the Mini Van to accommodate all the helpers.  We are truly blessed. 

Danielle and I decide to paint the closet in Josh's bedroom today.  The first decision was to remove the doors, they don't slide and are very beat up.  Knowing Josh doesn't usually close the closet doors we don't think he needs any.  Maybe at a later date Glenn can install new ones but for now it looks great.
Mom took sandwich orders and made those up.  We want to make sure everyone can keep up their energy.  After lunch she laid contact paper in the cool cabinet to finish that up.  Mom finishes her day by painting some of the new baseboards.  These won't go up until the floors are sanded and finished.

Christa is put on cleaning detail.  My compliments go to their Mother for teaching her girls how to clean properly.  Christa cleans walls, window seals and the railing on the stairs and does and amazing job.

Christa doing her cleaning
Glenn and Papaw work together on grounding more of the bedroom outlets.  Their determination payed off at the end of the day when they were able to get a wire through the wall from Josh's bedroom without having to put a hole in my newly finished room.  Papaw also removed more wall and woodwork in the utility room.  Glenn did some more wall repair. 
Glenn is celebrating his new grounding wire

The Mini Van leaves around 4 pm for home with my work crew.  Glenn doesn't leave for home until 9 pm.  I know he is feeling a little overwhelmed at this point.