Monday, August 9, 2010

Day Twelve

Glenn went to church than headed straight to "the house".  I used the morning to do some chores around home since I went to church last night.  Mom and John were ready to leave around 11:00 so I picked them up and we headed to Fairfax.  The work crew today is just us old timers.  John asked about the overtime pay since it was Sunday.  No problem there, overtime for 0 pay is still 0.  We do provide food and drink though.

Glenn has given John (Papaw) a new title, Master of Destruction.  He is put to work tearing off paneling in the upstairs bathroom.  Glenn removes the toilet and pedestal sink.  When these task were finished they work together removing the floor tiles.  A sand box several inches deep is found under the tiles.  Removing all the sand a bucket at a time took up the rest of the day.  There were about 16 buckets full.  That is a lot of upstairs and downstairs. 

Sandbox in the bathroom
Mom removing the windows
Glenn gave Mom a throne (toilet) to clean.  He took it to the back yard and she was able to use the hose.  It's too bad they can't always be taken out and hosed off because it sure made cleaning it much easier.  The next job Mom took on was cleaning the windows and window seals.  She also found a way to remove all the glass and screens and took them outside to the hose.  If only we had drains in the house and we could just hose off the walls and floors as well.  Boy would that ever save time.  Notice all the wall repair and the very orange walls. 

I use my day to paint the small bedroom.  We all leave exhausted but with a great feeling of accomplishment. 

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh...WHY was there so much sand?! that's so strange! Is there a huge hole in the floor now? I'm confused. how bizarre.
