Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day Thirty one

I need a real job so I don't get tasked with being at "The House" by 8 am to meet the delivery man or set up man.  Today it was the FIOS Verizon man.  I love how they say you need to be available between 8am and 5pm.  You would think they could narrow it down just a little better.  He did arrive at 8:30 so getting there at 8 wasn't a total waste of time. 

I was up at 5:30 so I could clean at least one of our bathrooms and do a few loads of laundry before leaving at 7:00.  I haven't seen our Maid (that would be me) in several weeks and things are defiantly falling behind.   If we don't get the Fairfax house finished soon our house will need a total renovation. 

I finished the second coat of paint on the bathroom and cleaned the light fixture.  After looking over the medicine cabinet and still not being happy with how it looks I decided to paint it black and white.  The vinyl floor is black and white so it should look pretty nice when it is finished.  I also painted more floor molding.

Lansen was the only other worker today until Glenn got there after work.   They got the kitchen sink totally functioning.  Lansen attached most of the floor molding in Josh's room.  Glenn installed part of the shower wall in the upstairs bath.

The boys will start moving in tomorrow and Sunday since school starts on Monday.  I just wish we had another 2 or 3 weeks before they needed the house.  It will be a little harder to finish up once they move in.  Everyone is being a good sport and trying to stay positive.  Getting the internet and TV put a big smile on Lansen's face today.

First piece of furniture

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