Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Good Bye Aunt Lorna

Aunt Lorna's memorial service was yesterday but I wasn't able to attend.  I thought it fitting that I write my own goodbye. 

I was thinking of footprints, not the carbon kind but the ones left after you have walked on.  My Aunt Lorna left many footprints just on my life alone.  My first real memory of my aunt was around the time I was 10.  My brother and I went to stay with my aunt and uncle the summer after my father passed away.  This continued for several years.  I didn't realize at the time what all this meant,  for my brother and I it was a chance for two city kids to play cowboy and run around like wild Indians.   For my mother it was a chance to grieve, heal and put her life back on course.   For my aunt and uncle it was more mouths to feed and more kids to keep track of.  Believe me if my memory serves me right the five of us were quit a handful.  Some of the things we did on those summer days will forever be kept for our memory alone. 

My Aunt was the one determined to keep the Wiegers family together by planing reunions every three years.   These were a big deal since the family started with seven siblings and added spouses, kids, aunts and uncles.  Everyone would convene on their farm in Kansas.   I can still see Aunt Lorna in her kitchen cooking and delegating the food preparation.   I remember a pickup bed filled with ears of corn.  In Kansas you didn't eat just one ear but at least one more than you tummy could hold. 

After I was married Aunt Lorna would still reach out to me with a birthday cards and later with Facebook messages.  Even though I really didn't spend much time with my Aunt she made many footprints in my life.

(Aunt Lorna is the lady with the sunflower blouse.)

I know she touched many other lives as well.  She was a very active member in her community.  Even though  I would like to think my brother and I were the only ones, other nieces, nephews and grandchildren were treated to her farm retreat.  Her footprints have moved heavenward but I am certain she has inspired others to step in. 

Thank you Aunt Lorna for the love and care you showed me.  You will be missed!